Cancel, Exchange or Return

S.No Particulars Cancel Exchange Return (All refunds post quality check)
1 When can I? Before product is shipped
  1. Within 3 days of receiving the product
  2. Exchanges can be done up to 2 times only. After which a delivery fee will be charged.
Within 3 days of receiving the product
2 How do I? Write to us on or whatsapp at 8861183481 1. Click the Return Button on the top right of the website or
2. Write to us on
1. Click the Return Button on the top right of the website or
2. Write to us on
3 What are shipping & delivery details? NA Exchanged product to be delivered within 3 days post
1. Receipt of 1st Product by 1ZF
2. If product is in stock

Refunds will be processed within 48- 72 hours of confirmed product pick-up from customer

*Delivery fee is charged for the pickup of the product and is deducted from the refund amount.

         * Pl read each product/style page in detail to understand if there any specific exchange and return applicable policy.

